Tuesday, April 20, 2010


On Sunday we got together with my family for dinner. After dinner, we decided to play some outside games. We played one Casey used to play as a kid. We set a two minute timer and then played tag with some rolled up socks. Sounds funny but it was really fun and actually really tiring! Then we played ghost in the graveyard. I scared my cousins pretty bad when I was it! We had played several times without any incidents until I was running from Casey to home base. I came around the corner of the house and must have hit a hole in the yard. I twisted my ankle and fell. I heard my bones crunch as I fell. Ewwww it was gross! And it hurt really bad. I've never had a sprained ankle before. My mom told Casey to take me to instacare to at least get a brace for it. Casey thought I looked funny in the wheelchair he took me in on so he took a picture of me.
I wasn't too impressed with the care they gave at instacare but what do you do? Well the brace has really helped. I'm able to hobble around now. It'll be interesting to see how I do at work tonight! Here are some more pictures.

I don't really have an ankle anymore, I have a cankle!


Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Ohh poor Lexie! Love the wheel chair pic! hah ha Ohhh man!

Wish I could have been there playing tag with old socks and the whole fam! FUNNNY!!! I remember those days when my parents would leave and put Eric in charge to babysit us! WE'd play tag all night and set the timer from the stove on! hahah What fun memories! hahah Hope your cankle feels better Lexie! :)

D.Suth. said...

Sorry you got hurt, but I'm glad to hear you are playing Ghost in the Graveyard. Success!

Eric and I set the timer here and play tag. I always lose.

How did work go? The scrapbook looks good, I take it they know about it.

Jake and Hope Kendall said...

Ouchy! Hope you are feeling better!